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Thank you for your interest on my Course. Would you like to know more? Send me a message at I will be happy to answer you or leave your email to watch the preview.


Monica’s course was amazing. I learned so much! Even though I’ve been dancing for a long time and was very happy with my dancing already; the things I learned in terms of balance, walking like a cat and feeling the tango are priceless... read more
Great way to focus on different parts of how to develop your milongero style. Monica is very clear and breaks down the components so that your dance can grow through it. I appreciate that it is not about the steps. Lovely and straight forward guide
Salt Lake City, UT
A very wonderful experience in Tango. Moni brings together the music, the body and the floor so well. The video and captions and exercises are capsules of her great teaching techniques. But the best are the interactive communications and chance to share with her... read more

What is Special Monica Paz Tango?

This course is a result of more than 20 years of learning from true milongueros in Buenos Aires. In this course, you have the instruction to learn tango to be able to dance without thinking on steps, but dance deeply connected with your partner and the music. This course is not a conventional course of tango. I don’t teach steps.

Maybe you are asking yourself, if not steps, which are the topics of the course?

As I have said in the course I teach what I have learned from the milongueros, how to express the music in the dance without thinking on steps, but dance deeply connected with your partner and the music. So, I my course the main topics are:

  • How to prepare your body for Tango
  • Energies and Music
  • Musicality, Rhythm
  • Melody, what is Melody
  • How to dance the Melody
  • Dissociation, how to get it naturally

This Special Monica Paz will consis

t of an online course of 10 weeks of classes and/or practices videos to work with in an organized curriculum.

Even though we are not in a face-to-face class, this Course allows me more time with you and you actually have more access to me than if this were a workshop. On tour, time is limited, unless we are in a private class.

In this online Course, we have developed elements that allow us to have direct contact, albeit virtually.

Let’s spend 10 weeks together in a Course I have spent almost 2 years developing for you! And then take advantage of the built-in access you will have to work with me directly. There are several ways!

To be able to watch all the content, in the 10 weeks to come, it is necessary to subscribe and become in a member.

As a member you will have your user name and a password to access the site anytime, anywhere during the period of the tango course. 

I am happy to share this with you.

Would you like interactive communications, guidance and the chance to share directly with Monica?

What’s the difference between our online course and other video lessons?

The Special Monica Paz

online learning course

Offline video

pay per view

Distance lessons

video conference

Do you want to watch the Preview of the Course?

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