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In the city of Buenos Aires
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This certificate guarantees that all your connections are secured by encryption.
Here we have a tango culture that we inherited from our parents, my interviews confirm it. With your collaboration, you support my task of spreading this traditional tango with its subtleties. There are many styles, although they all add people to tango, we must rescue the essence so that everyone knows it.
Monthly I will publish for my subscribers who are “In the city of Buenos Aires”:
- A note about Tango in Buenos Aires with suggestions of tangos with which we prefer to dance here
- A video rescuing the subtleties of dance or a testimony.
- They will also have access to the note for having “Landed in Ezeiza”
- And obviously my eternal gratitude.
We will charge you in US$. You might notice a small difference in the amount, depending on your bank’s commissions.
You can cancel auto-renew at any time or edit your payment. By making this payment, you agree to’s Terms of Use.
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